Recursion (rĭ-kûr’-zhən) noun. If you still don’t get it see recursion.
Nonsense, I’ll mutter to the end, one word after another, string the rascals out, mad or not, heard or not, my last words will be my last words.
From John Barth’s story of Autobiography: A Self-recorded Fiction
It was a dark and stormy night, and we said to the captain, “Tell us a story!” And this is the story the captain told: “It was a dark and stormy night, and we said to the captain, ‘Tell us a story!’ And this is the story the captain told: ‘It was a dark …’”
Parody of Bulwer-Lytton’s novel Paul Clifford
Write the sentence ONCE UPON A TIME THERE on one side of a strip of paper, and WAS A STORY THAT BEGAN on the other side. Then twist one end once and attach it to the other end, to form a Mobius strip. As you work your way round the strip, the story goes on forever.
John Barth’s Frame-Tale (1968) as related by Michael Corballis